Saturday, May 14, 2016

New Season

Life is meant to be celebrated, documented, and enjoyed. I have had every intention of keeping up with this blog but reality is life got in the way. New goals, and dreams are at the fore-front of my mind and this is also a goal to keep up on this blog. I want the loved ones in my life to be able to read how life was for me.
The last 9.5 months of my life have been everything that my heart has desired for years. My heart is singing joyous tunes at this new season of life and journey has me on.
I met a fantastic man online and words don't even begin to express the silliness, joy and fun that we have together. Never in a million years did I imagine that one silly email would end up in 9.5 months with hopes/plans of several more years of joy and laughter.

Our First Date 07/10/2015 Mall of America Dicks Last Resort
Don't get me wrong now, our relationship is not all sunshine and bright vivid flowers, though, one thing is for sure its our relationship. We have made a choice to love unconditionally. To love no matter what with no strings attached. Honestly I think this is why we are able to have such a large smile so often. Love truly does not keep a record of wrong doing but rather rejoices in all circumstances.
In the last 9.5 months I have learned how to love, to be loved, and more than anything who I am. So thankful for all you do and how big you love Shane. Love you to the moon and back! Thanks for all the fun memories, inside jokes, laughter and so much more that you have brought to our relationship. I couldn't imagine it any other way.

Hastings Mississippi River 05/13/2016
One of my favorite memories together is just walking aimlessly outside enjoying the fresh air and scenes around us.